IAB Native Ads
Native ad units are ad units that are integrated in the user's content experience and usually take the form of the content on the page. Typically, four types of native ad units are used, namely Story Ad, Video Ad, Product Ad, and App Install Ad. More details on Native Ad units and placements can be found in IAB Native Advertising Playbook (http://www.iab.com/wpcontent/uploads/2015/06/IAB-Native-Advertising-Playbook2.pdf) and IAB Deep Dive on In-Feed Ad Units (http://www.iab.net/media/file/IAB_Deep_Dive_on_InFeed_Ad_Units.pdf). Further details and specifications are available in the OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads API (http://www.iab.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/OpenRTB-Native-AdsSpecification-1-1_2016.pdf). In this document, we outline the ad formats and specification for asset requirements for Native Ads Source: NAP_Emerging_AR_VR_Emoji_360_Guide (iab.com)