DeepSeek vs. ChatGPT:短影音腳本生成能力比較與使用體驗分享
近期熱門的DeepSeek對OPEN AI帶來了不小的衝擊與影響。撇開技術原理與政治議題,單純以一般使用者的角度進行測試,我針對生成短影音腳本的能力,分兩階段比較了DeepSeek(深度思考R1)與ChatGPT(推理)的免費版本,觀察其內容生成與優化的表現差異。
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DeepSeek vs. ChatGPT: A Comparison of Short Video Script Generation Capabilities and User Experience Review
DeepSeek, which has recently gained popularity, has made a significant impact on OpenAI. Setting aside technical details and political issues, I evaluated its ability to generate short video scripts from a regular user's perspective. I compared the free versions of DeepSeek (Deep Thinking R1) and ChatGPT (Inference) in two phases to observe differences in content creation and optimization.
Naturally, the clarity of the prompt design plays a crucial role in the quality of the generated content. I won’t go into the detailed results here; I encourage you to try them for yourself—you might come away with different impressions.
Overall Conclusion:
Both tools have their unique strengths and can complement each other well.
DeepSeek produces content that is detailed and comprehensive, often supported by data, though some parts may lack precision. If you were to personify it, it would resemble a scientifically minded individual. However, the servers are frequently busy, which makes it difficult to submit consecutive queries and slightly diminishes the overall user experience.
ChatGPT generates clear and concise content that is reliably safe. It even provides explanations about the content's stylistic direction. The built-in formatting makes the text easy to read, and it can include additional data for clarity after self-optimization. The system operates stably, ensuring a smooth overall user experience.