聯網電視廣告CTV Ads information (Dec. 19, 2024)
截至2024年12月19日,關於聯網電視廣告(Connected TV advertising)資訊:
- 台灣廣告主計劃增加CTV廣告預算:根據近期調查,46%的台灣品牌或代理商計劃在未來一年內增加CTV廣告預算,其中62%預計提升50%以上,9%預計增幅超過100%。
Taiwanese Advertisers Plan to Increase CTV Ad Budgets: According to a recent survey, 46% of Taiwanese brands or agencies plan to increase their CTV advertising budgets in the coming year, with 62% expecting an increase of over 50%, and 9% anticipating a rise of more than 100%
- OneAD推出跨裝置互動式影音廣告:台灣廣告科技公司OneAD於2024年12月12日宣布推出「跨裝置互動式影音廣告」(Actionable Ads),允許消費者透過遙控器或觸控螢幕與廣告互動,提升品牌記憶度與購買意圖。
OneAD Launches Cross-Device Interactive Video Ads: On December 12, 2024, Taiwanese ad-tech company OneAD announced the launch of "Actionable Ads," allowing consumers to interact with advertisements via remote controls or touch screens, enhancing brand recall and purchase intent.
- 全球CTV廣告收入持續增長:根據群邑集團的數據,全球CTV廣告收入在2024年達到383億美元,較2023年增長20%,預計2025年將再增長20%,達到460億美元。
Global CTV Ad Revenue Continues to Grow: According to GroupM, global CTV ad revenue reached $38.3 billion in 2024, a 20% increase from 2023, and is expected to grow another 20% to $46 billion in 2025.
- 美國CTV廣告支出預計突破300億美元:資料顯示,2024年美國CTV廣告支出預計將超過300億美元,占總廣告支出的5%以上,顯示廣告主對CTV平台的投入持續增加。
U.S. CTV Ad Spending Expected to Exceed $30 Billion: Data indicates that U.S. CTV ad spending is projected to surpass $30 billion in 2024, accounting for over 5% of total ad expenditures, reflecting advertisers' increasing investment in CTV platforms.
- The Trade Desk預計年營收增長22.7%:廣告技術巨頭The Trade Desk預計其營收將以每年22.7%的速度增長,反映出全球CTV市場的快速擴張和廣告主對該平台的青睞。
The Trade Desk Anticipates Annual Revenue Growth of 22.7%: Ad-tech giant Trade Desk expects its revenue to grow at an annual rate of 22.7%, highlighting the rapid expansion of the global CTV market and advertisers' preference for the platform.